Clarify 2 ManualClarify DesktopTroubleshootingUsing Clarify with Two-Step Authentication

Using Clarify with Two-Step Authentication Two-Step Authentication Error messages Two-Step Authentication Error messages

Error message when attempting to upload a blog entry

Next time you try to upload something from Clarify to Wordpress, you may encounter a message like this.

Error message when attempting to upload a blog entry

Go to Wordpress Settings Security page

  1. Go to Wordpress Security Page.
  2. Scroll down until you see the 'Application Passwords' headline.
  3. Enter an Application Name, in this case 'Clarify'
  4. Click the 'Generate Password' button
  5. Copy the generated password and paste it into your Wordpress Settings in Clarify's preferences area.
Go to Wordpress Settings Security page

Password Generated

Password Generated


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