How to add multiple images to a step
Clarify supports multiple images in each step. When adding multiple images to a step the images become part of a single canvas that you can draw on and resize. When the document is exported, the entire canvas will be exported as a single image.
Adding a new screenshot
Click the "Add image" button

You will be able to capture an image just as you normally would in Clarify.
The image will be added below the current image. The image selector tool will be activated and you can then reposition the image and/or add a drop shadow.

Adding images on the clipboard or from files
Right-click in step image area
In the contextual menu for a step image you will find the Add Image Using menu option. If an image is on the clipboard then you can select Clipboard Image. You also have the option to take a new screencapture or insert an existing Image File...

Mark Anderson
I think the arrow in the first image points to the wrong button. The circular arrow (bottom right) inserts a *replacement* for the current image. By trail and error I see the '+' button (bottom left) is the one that adds extra image(s).
Now I've found it, this is a useful feature I can see myself using. Thanks.
Trevor DeVore
@Mark - thanks. I've updated the documentation so that it is correct.
Is it possible to combine images from two steps into one? This feature seems to require that I take a new screenshot.
I tried dragging and dropping and that didn't work.
Trevor DeVore
@Pedro - right-click on the image you want to move and cut it. You can then right-click on the step image you want to add it to and select "Add Image Using > Clipboard Image".
Is there a shortcut for the add image button?
Trevor DeVore
@Aarif - there is not (though there should be).
@Aarif, my thoughts exactly. This app is fantastic. However, they definitely need better shortcut mapping
Larry Deckel
Wow. All these years using clarify and I never realized you could take two images and position them like this. Thanks for pointing this out!
Is this functionality available in Clarify's big sister product, Screensteps? Would be enormously useful there (as I use both products for different purposes).
Trevor DeVore
@Larry Yes, ScreenSteps has the same feature.