Adding anchors to steps in HTML output
You can add anchor tags to steps that will be assigned as the "id" property in HTML output. This can be useful for linking directly to specific steps when you share a Clarify document to the web.
For example, if you set the anchor name for a step to "special-step" and your Clarify document was exported and available at the following URL:
then you could link directly to the step by adding #special-step to the URL:
Note: If you don't specificly set an anchor for a step then Clarify will generate one automatically based on an internal id that Clarify assigns to steps when you create them. This anchor will remain the same each time you export the Clarify document.
Select Step
Select the step you want to edit.

Open Step Inspector and set the Anchor Name
When setting an anchor name here are some tips:
- The first character needs to be a letter.
- Only use letters, numbers, hyphens, or underscores.

Linking to the step from within Clarify
If you would like to link to a step with an anchor name from within Clarify, just prefix the anchor name with the # character in the URL dialog. For example:

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