Clarify 2 ManualClarify DesktopCustomizing PDF OutputImporting and Exporting Custom PDF Templates

Importing and Exporting Custom PDF Templates

You can share custom PDF templates that you create by exporting and importing PDF template files.

Open preferences

  • On Mac: Clarify > Preferences
  • On Windows: Edit > Preferences
Open preferences

Exporting a Template

Go into PDF Templates.

To export a PDF template, right-click on it and select Export Template from the contextual menu. You will be prompted to save the template to a file of your choosing. The resulting file will include the entire template in a single file.

Exporting a Template

Importing a Template

To import a template just right-click anywhere in the list of PDF Templates and select Import Template... from the contextual menu.

Importing a Template

After selecting a PDF template file it will appear in your list of templates.


Chiara Vianello


is it possible to export in word using Clarify 1?



Trevor DeVore

@Chiara - no it is not. Word export was added in Clarify 2.


I have created a PDF template in Acrobat DC. Saved it in every possible format that I can think of and I cannot see the file to import it. How can I import a PDF template that I've created in Acrobat DC?

Trevor DeVore

@Nathan - You can't. Clarify doesn't support templates made in Acrobat DC.

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