Clarify 2 ManualClarify DesktopSharing DocumentsAdding pages to a Github wiki using Markdown export

Adding pages to a Github wiki using Markdown export

Github repositories come with a wiki that you can use to document your projects. This article will show you how to export Clarify documents to your Github wiki in Markdown format.

If you haven't already cloned your Github wiki to your computer then you will need to do that first.

Clone your wiki on your computer
Click on the Wiki link in the sidebar of your repository

2. Create the first page if need be

If you don't have any content in your wiki yet then you will be prompted to create the first page.

Click the Create the first page button...

Create the first page if need be

and then save it.

3. Get wiki git URL

You can now grab the URL to clone the wiki on your computer.

Get wiki git URL

Export your Clarify document using the Markdown HTML template

The HTML exporter in Clarify includes a Markdown template. You can use File > Export > HTML menu (1) or you can create a sharing account that uses the Markdown template (2).

Export your Clarify document using the Markdown HTML template

Save to your local wiki directory

Save the .md file to the wiki folder you cloned on your computer.

Save to your local wiki directory

The result

Clarify will generate an .md file containing your document. The images will be stored in a folder named after the document that is stored in an images folder.

You can export multiple documents to the wiki folder and a new document image folder will be added to the existing images folder.

The result

Commit and push the changes

Add the files to the repository, commit, and push the changes to Github.

Commit and push the changes

The page appears in the wiki

The document you exported will now appear as a page on the wiki!

The page appears in the wiki


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